Why Part 1? Well I am not that big of tease – it is because my G2 has not been activated, my number gets transferred tomorrow and then I can fully use the G2. That was such a disappointment not to be able to try it all out! I was very happy & hyped until that moment. This is how far as I got – for all the photos, check out my Flickr account.

Box arrives – and there IT is !! 🙂

 G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Speedily putting in the SIM card and battery and start charging:

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Hello there Vodafone & Android – please to see you

G2 UnboxingG2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

The screen is crisp & clear and I am starting to follow the instructions

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Easy to type, got my name right first time around. This was my main worry with not a qwerty-keyboard

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Time to login to my gmail account but since my Vodafone account is not active until tomorrow this failed 🙁

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Google wants to have all my location data? UNTICKED! Loves how the 24 hour format is pre-ticked – I am a huge fan of the metric system and are hoping for a world domination for it.

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing

Main menu and Apps menu:

G2 UnboxingG2 Unboxing